
Real time signals and recent searches

Build curated travel itineraries for vacationers

While booking a flight

Recommend personalized flight & ancillaries

Post flight booking

Recommend offers to drive seat upgrades

New and low traffic routes

Increase flight bookings to specific destinations

Similar locations from past travels

Personalized route recommendations

Fashion Retail

Target One & Dones

Increase customer purchase frequency

Based on past purchase patterns

Curate wish lists and recommend products

Sales of out-of-season inventory

Recommend personalized offers on products

AI-identified fashion trends

Recommend in-season and new launch products

Customer searches and purchases

Recommend complementary products to drive cross-sell

Food & Beverage

Loyalty premium customer engagement

Drive up-sell and cross-sell opportunities

Customer journey modeling

Generate key drivers of customer retention

Historical spend patterns

Target right customers based on price elasticity

Customer propensity scores

Increase engagement frequency for At Risk customers

Customer Retention Analysis

Convert customers at Sticky Point to a Loyalist


Customer preferences and affinity

Recommend right property or amenity offer

Based customers’ needs and wants

Recommend a personalized ranking of hotels

Low performing hotels

Drive incremental bookings and revenue lift

3rd party apps

Recommend personalized offers based on customers look-alikes

Adaptive up-sell offers

Drive incremental value from .Com bookings